Siapa Aku

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Mid Glamorgan, Wales, United Kingdom
Pernah menuntut secara formal di srias, mmas, kmk, unikl miat, sekarang di usw, uk.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani.


Gambar hiasan

Pagi tu nyaman..

Dari dalam pondok, saya cuba tanya pendapat Ustaz Yazid a.k.a Ustaz Badi’ (pondok beliau bersebelahan dengan pondok saya) pasal minat saya nak sambung belajar dalam jurusan kejuruteraan.

‘toksah gi la, duduk sini ja lah..’

‘mung tu, mengaji ummu barahin (kitab usul) bagi khatam dulu’

Ya, saya memang tak habis lagi belajar kitab tu. Sayangnya nak tinggal, best sangat belajar usuluddin ni. Kenyang ilmu, stabil emosi, dan hebat amal..

‘Hazim, sesetengah ulama’ tak bagi belajar sains ni’..

Hah..!(dalam hati ja, sambil dahi berkerut memikir seribu tafsiran)

‘sebab senang bawak kepada mensyirikkan Allah’

‘mung nok gi ngaji sana jugak tu buleh, tapi kena hati-hati’

‘beramal bagi molek apa yang mung dah ngaji tuh’

‘bila - bila cuti maghi la pulak ke pondok ni, ngaji lagi’
kata ustaz sambil tersenyum.


Pesanan beliau berbentuk kiasan yang mendalam. MasyaAllah, risaunya guru pada aqidah muridnya.

InsyaAllah ustaz, saya pegang pesanan tu. Berjanji dan berdoa di dalam hati agar tidak tersilap langkah dalam pengajian di UniKL nanti.


Gambar : Hangar MIAT

Dewan kuliah dan kelas tutorial ber’aircond’ tak pelik, tapi kalau hingga ke bengkel, tempat grinding, filing, dan engine assembly pun ber’aircond’, tentu pelik kan..?

Itulah MIAT, keselesaan yang mampu memujuk kelalaian dan sifat malas agar menaduduki takhta di hati setiap pelajarnya. Itu baru sebahagian dari pelbagai cabaran yang menanti pemuda – pemudi yang pernah berjanji untuk berpegang teguh pada agamaNya.
Firman Allah S.W.T: berpegang teguhlah kamu dengan tali2 Allah..

Tempat ini juga lah menjadi medan juang bagi sesetengah pelajar yang betul-betul ‘betul niat’.

Dengan nisbah pelajar lelaki dan perempuan yang begitu jauh (30:3), pasti mudah diteka maksudnya.
“INFLASI..”kata pensyarah saya. ^_^

Ya, ‘inflasi wanita’ bagi lelaki yang datang dengan niat mencari wanita, tap tidak bagi orang yang menuntut ilmu kerana harapkan pahala dan redha Allah.



Let’s speak a little English..

PHYSICS, it is one of major subject where my intuitive fall on. What we have learn from Cikgu Hasni or Sir Harun in MMAS, from Prof. Danial or Mr. Hafizi in MIAT must be followed by some research that will bring us back to Allah, The Creator of me, cikgu, sir, prof, and mr..

I love to be a researcher on this matter.

>>Law of Conservation of Energy

We’re already known about this.. about what..??

“The conservation of energy is a fundamental concept of physics along with the conservation of mass and the conservation of momentum. Within some problem domain, the amount of energy remains constant and energy is neither created nor destroyed.”Taken from NASA website.


“The law of conservation of energy is an empirical law of physics. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time (is said to be conserved over time). A consequence of this law is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another"
Taken from Wikipedia.

See.. how physics will turn our aqidah down becomes syirk. That is the only unforgiven sin, we just did it.. but how..? by believe it, for me this fact is unbelievable.

As explaination, tauhid means "declaring Allah one." Rububiyyah is one of three type of tauhid (an Arabic word that is difficult to translate into English).

Another way of saying this is that Rububiyyah is a way of referring to Allah by His functions as God. Tauhid Rububiyyah thus means declaring that there is only One who holds these divine functions of creating and sustaining the universe, also destroying them..!

That is for my post. Please leave your comment below k.. ^_^

Last but not least, from Al-Quran Al-Karim..

"Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one (Muhammad SAW) calling to Faith: ‘Believe in your Lord,’ and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die (in the state of righteousness) along with Al-AbrĂ¢r (the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism). (ali-imran;verse 193)

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